Friday, September 30, 2011

Plant Food

Casey and I have been trying this for about 2 months now. With the exception of 1 week when I visited my grandmother. We have been eating mostly fruits and veggies. We eat small amounts of meat and cheese. My main reason for doing this, is to see if my menstrual cycle cramps would resolve. Obviously, Casey has other motivation ;) Let me give you a little bit of history on these cramps. I am sure it will sound  all to familiar for most of you female readers. Since I was 16, I had cramps every month, to every other month. I would be bed ridden for 2-6 days while I was on my cycle. I experienced cramps in my lower abdomen which felt like someone was stabbing me over and over (about ever 5-30 seconds) with crying, vomiting and uncontrollable shaking. This could last from hours to days. There were days where I couldn't work, go to school or play volleyball. This year, in particular was very bad. They came every month. So I tried this diet change that Casey and I had seen on "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead", and "Forks over Knives". This past month I didn't have ANY cramps.

How did this happen? Certain foods can cause your body to be acidic. This is called metabolic acidosis. These foods include meats, dairy and refined sugars. Some foods cause your body to be alkaline. These include fruits and vegetables (grains are still in debate!). Too much acidic foods and not enough alkaline foods may cause metabolic acidosis. Also, different people have different susceptible tissues. This means that some people susceptible tissue may be their breasts (breast cancer), uterus (cancer), heart (heart disease, aneurysms…), prostate (cancer), brain (MS, cancer, Parkinson's...). Basically whatever disease you fall victim to is your susceptible tissue. Mine were my reproductive organs. These are particularly sensitive in most people because it takes such a small change in your hormones to make such a large change in your chemistry and physiology.

Casey and I aren't dieting. We are changing our habits so we don’t fall victim to diseases that are preventable. After knowing what we know now, there is no going back. I encourage you to research how diet affects your body in order to make informed decisions about your health. What you are told is often not the truth. I encourage everyone to look deeper how what you put in your mouth affects your body. It may change your life and the lives of your loved ones. 

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