Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Lorax

I just watched the movie The Lorax. I have a lot of different feelings and thoughts about this movie. First of all, I feel afraid to share my thoughts because most people will think I'm crazy, or a "hippie". However, the more we bring certain issues to awareness, the more people will wake up.

For those that haven't seen the movie The Lorax, it is about a young man who cuts down all the trees to make scarves. He didn't think that cutting down all the trees would be a big deal. He is warned by the Lorax, that if he cuts down the trees nature will unleash a "great fury upon him". The boy does so anyway, leaving no clean air for any living creature. Another man invents an air processing plant, where he cleans the air and sells it back to the people. So in one purchase, consumers buy "thneeds" or scarf-type things. Then because of buying those, consumers have to buy clean air. Eventually, the people realize what is happening. They rise up, and replant all the trees because they want a cleaner environment. The man selling the air, tries to convince the people that trees are "yucky, dirty and difficult to take care of". This cycle sounds all too familiar to some, but to others this is a new concept. A seemingly harmless business endeavor destroys our environment and our health, therefore we have to purchase another product, or several products to remain healthy.

To me, this is analogous to what is happening right now, and mostly going unnoticed. My first thought was, "Oh it'll never get as bad as us having to buy air!". But will it? Only time will tell! We have been convinced that tap water is "gross" so we purchase tap water in bottles (on that thought, tap water is fluoridated for the "greater good" against certain individuals will. If individuals want fluoridated tap water, so be it. But to say that "everyone needs it, we know better than you" is a disgrace). Anyway, we have been convinced that so many normal things are dirty and gross, in order to keep things "cleaner", when we leave a heaping pile of trash that is just beyond our sight. Out of sight out of mind right?

So What kinds of things compare to this?
Water: the most obvious comparison is water. Of course fresh water has to be cleaned, I understand that. I don't think anyone would disagree that a clean water supply saves lives as far as preventing the spread of disease. I also like filtered water to remove certain said chemicals that are put into the water supply against certain individuals' will. I would prefer the choice to fluoridate our water or not. We buy tap water put in bottles because it's somehow magically cleaner. 

Our Meat and Milk Supply: It has become "normal" to get a pretty package of beef from the grocery store from hundreds, possibly thousands of different cows, pumped full of antibiotics, hormones and kept red with chemicals. Same thing with milk! NOT. NORMAL!!!! 

Our Chickens: Scientists are currently trying to genetically modify a chicken that only has meat, with no other organs. Tell me that is not gross. The chicken we eat has never seen the light of day if it's from a factory farm. Those two words, "factory" and "farm" just don't mix! 

The way we Birth: It doesn't make any sense for women to birth on their backs. There are 3 joints in the pelvic outlet. When women birth on their backs, they compress the 2 joints that move the most in delivery. Who is this convenient for? The Doctor. They don't have to bend down. Even the way we birth has become an assembly line! (FYI: When a woman is on all fours, her pelvic outlet is in its most open position). 

Pharmaceutical Drugs: I take pill x for my blood pressure, and pills y and z to help curb the serious, often mind altering or deadly side effects. Once again, one unnatural intervention (cutting down trees) causes a series of other interventions to counteract (selling clean air). 

Vitamins: Yes, even vitamins (didn't think I'd say this one did you?!). Since farmed vegetables and fruits are MUCH less nutrient dense, we take vitamins made in a lab, just to keep up. Keep in mind, that lab concocted vitamins don't react in your body they way vitamins from plant and animal sources do. They are often not absorbed or have a weaker potency. 

The list goes on. I'm sure there are a hundred other things that could compare. 

The Wrath of Nature that the Lorax was talking about is the wrath that comes from neglecting nature. In the movie, the "fury" never really showed itself, in the way the Lorax portrayed. It showed itself in a different more likely way. If there is no clean aid, people get sick. Trees give you clean air. Simple as that. I chuckled a little at the green glowing kid. Nature has been cleaning itself and continuously producing life, long before we were ever around. The idea that "we know better" is simply ignorant. Ridiculously ignorant. There are a lot of medical treatments, ways to keep our water clean, etc. that can work along-side of natural processes. However, it is important to always have a mindful reverence and respect for nature. I think for the most part we do this, but greed and a disregard for our health get in the way. Then the person profiting tries to convince you that the sterility is "better" and "normal". We have to stand up for the right thing, otherwise we might find ourselves buying "clean air". 

**** Don't forget that this is a consumer market. Every time you purchase something, you cast a vote. Try to cast a vote, that won't destroy the world your grandchildren will live in, and your own health in the process***